Competition Rules

Competition Rules

The Mulligan golf team was officially established in 2014 and consists of five  golfers who play for fun. They compete annually for the AC cup and the year prizes.

The season runs from March 1 till October 30th.  From 1st April till September 30th is the requirement to play a round of golf.  In case of illness or absence for good reason  this requirement is reviked and the missing score will be based upon one of the other rounds of golf.

On the last golfround, which will take place in October, the points will count double. Therefore, the year prizes and the AC cup will only be awarded if all the points are calculated and on a date to be determined by a dinner.

We play according to the Stableford rules with one Mulligan per  9 holes. Mulligan can also be redeemed anywhereon the course.  You should just make it clear to your fellow players and indicate that you are going to use the Mulligan. It is not allowed to take the Mulligan on to the next 9 holes.  If there is any variation to the previous thenpenalty points will be distributed.

The points by 18 holes are divided by two.  Because we mainly play rounds of 9 holes.

The Summercup on Delfland may be counted as a playround , you just need to bring a photograph copy of your scorecard. In principle, all the members are at this event, but it does not count as your monthly obligation play round.

You can play as often as you wish, but there are only 12 scores on an annual basis that count towards the tournament score. Of the 12 scores the highest scores are calculated for the year result. That means, the more you play the more likely it is that you win the trophy.

To make things run smoothly, there are separate rules drawn up in a proper manner.